Strategic alignment banner

In our blog and White Paper we discuss the importance of alignment in successful energy procurement and give ideas on how to counter lack of alignment. We suggest reading these articles before attempting this test.


This strategy test assesses you on 3 areas:

  1. Alignment on strategic goal(s)
  2. Aligning with stakeholders
  3. Aligning tools, reporting and evaluation

The test will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Are you ready?

Great! Just one step before you begin

Yes, I want to find out how aligned I am. Data protection
The purpose of this test is to assist you in your strategy alignment efforts. The purpose is not to collect personal data or for any direct marketing. The only data collected are:
  • the answers to the quiz questions. The purpose of storing this data is two-fold: (i) To enable you to request and receive the test results in detail, and (2) to enable us to evaluate and share with you how your score compares against others.

Data security: The data will be subject to certain security procedures. The answers will be held in confidence and will not be disclosed to third parties. This data will be held for five years unless a deletion request is submitted via email by you.

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Please note: You should be an energy buyer in your organization in order to get the most from this test. 

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