Monthly Energy Reports

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At E&C Consultants we analyse global energy markets on a continuous basis and keep track of any event impacting energy price levels. We help you understand why local energy prices are fluctuating. Below you can find more information on the different reports we publish. 

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Monthly Market Analysis Europe

European energy markets are driven by strong transformative processes such as the liberalization of gas and electricity markets, the renewable energy revolution, climate policy and the increasing dependence on imports of increasingly global fuels. On top, there’s a lot of pricing information available as European electricity and natural gas are often traded on exchanges.

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Monthly Market Analysis North America

Broad trends such as the increase in natural gas production, the crackdown or support of coal-fired power plants, and the growth in renewables all influence your pricing. At the same time, local phenomena such as pipeline or powerline congestion determine what price you pay. Are you aware of these market factors? Are you monitoring your price drivers? Or are you just taking prices as they pass you by?

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oil platform
rio de janeiro

Monthly Market Analysis LATAM

Latin America is a large continent with markets being totally different per country. Hard to keep track of... While it is winter in Mexico, Brazilian temperatures reach 40 degrees in summer. Argentina mainly relies on thermal generation while Paraguay and Peru rely on hydroelectric for nearly 100% of their energy. The warming of the Pacific Ocean is the main influencer of the electricity price in the Andean countries, more than the price of gas or oil. Ecuador has more than 70% of its tariff subsidized. And overall, markets are at a totally different level of liberalization.

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Monthly Market Analysis APAC

Interconnection in Australia is hard due to its size, with separate markets per state or territory resulting in a volatile mix of fixed and progressive hedging. While the country is a major exporter of LNG, there’s risk of a shortage of gas and a lack of price transparency. At the other side of the Indian Ocean, China is trying to switch from coal to gas. Insufficient gas storage possibilities explain why they have a lot of floating LNG. Other countries in the APAC region still have oil-indexed gas prices. Programmes to encourage decreases in carbon emissions are at the forefront of policy changes throughout APAC, and Australia’s battery fields should solve typical renewable issues, such as congestion during times of high production.

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coal mine

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