Kortrijk (Belgium), 17/12/2021. In the framework of its CSR Policy, E&C Consultants has signed a collaboration partnership with the NGO Solar Sister. This collaboration compromises structural financial and other support to the NGO for the eradication of energy poverty.
Solar Sister has been selected among other NGOs, taking into consideration its double mission: to eradicate energy poverty and to empower women based in their own communities. Solar sister works with local distributors in Nigeria and Tanzania to dispense good quality solar products to ´last mile´ communities – villages that are not on the grid.
The partnership between E&C Consultants and Solar Sister aims to:
Solar Sister brings energy access and economic opportunity to women entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan African ´last-mile´ communities. Currently, their work in Nigeria and Tanzania delivers sustainable energy solutions through women’s enterprise by providing ongoing training, mentoring, and support for a thriving network of Solar Sister Entrepreneurs (SSEs).
To date, Solar Sister has recruited and mentored more than 6 500 SSEs whose businesses bring life-changing renewable energy solutions to their local communities. Such products include solar lamps, solar home systems (which include lightbulbs, fans, phone chargers, etc.), and productive use of energy (PUE) products (products that bring income, such as barber clippers and water pumps). To distribute these technologies, Solar Sister enlists the aid of women within these same communities – their entrepreneurs. These women are given training, support, economic independence and value within their communities.
Together, these businesses have provided more than 2,6 million people with clean energy and created a ripple effect of positive impacts on the health, education, environment, and economic livelihood of the women entrepreneurs, their families, and their communities. By tapping into women’s enterprise, Solar Sister has designed a market-based solution that is replicable, scalable, and sustainable.
Visit the Solar Sister website to find out more.
The E&C Consultants' Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy aims to ensure respect for its values as a company and to the ethical principles that define the interaction with its own employees, clients, the environment and societies. The final aim for the existence of a CSR policy converges, actually, with its baseline: smarter energy for a better world.
From its very first moments, E&C has been conscious of its role in society: to make every large energy user on the planet contribute to the energy transition by bringing them the best strategies, systems and data, shoulder to shoulder, with the help of the newest technologies.
Contributing to the energy transition also means fighting against energy poverty. E&C consultants is honoured to be partnering with Solar Sister in its aim to tackle energy poverty – together we not only help our clients in procuring smarter energy for a better world, but we also ensure we leave no one behind.
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