What's to be an E&Cer?

We asked Beltrán, Consultant

Enmascarar grupo 201Beltrán Becerra Alonso, Consultant

Madrid office, working from A Coruña


A typical day at E&C. "I start by checking the energy news, the energy markets to see the evolution and to get a general context of how the markets are doing. Then, I check my emails and see what contacts I need to establish with my clients. Right after, I head into my meetings. Usually, I need to check at least a couple of contracts and secure a couple of hedges."

Challenges. "The main challenge is to learn to prioritize and to be very organized: as we work with the energy markets, we don't know what might change, so it is very important to be able to identify which tasks have more priority and to go with the flow of the markets."

The company culture at E&C Consultants. "I love the fact that we have very open communication, a very flat structure, and to have the confidence of contacting anyone within the company when you have any kind of question.

I also think that this is a very empowering company because it gives you the full flexibility to schedule your work hours and the full autonomy to set up your daily or weekly tasks. This trust gives you an extra motivation to do your work and at the same time to trust the company."


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