Energy centralization models


A crucial step in centralizing global energy procurement is the definition of responsibilities. When we set up a central energy procurement strategy, we carve up the energy procurement activity in its different sub-activities:

  • negotiating energy contracts,
  • energy price management activities,
  • setting up energy budgets and checking energy bills and
  • energy data management.

For each of these activities, we then define on both a central and a local level who:

  • is doing the work
  • is taking the decision
  • has an advisory role
  • needs to be kept informed.

With such a matrix, the model can go anywhere from completely local, to local with an advisory role for a central buyer, to a central buyer doing the work but local stakeholders taking certain decisions such as signing the contracts, to full centralization. 

Need more information on defining responsibilities? Fill in the form on the right to receive the video where we discuss it.